Why fabric instead of paper?

Why fabric instead of paper?

I get it, paper is easy. It's what we've always done! Why change? 

Last year, after Christmas, I sat in dismay at the mountain of trash in my living room. Denver does not recycle wrapping paper in their commercial facilities, so they recommend putting ALL of it in the trash for pickup. It's heartbreaking!

I had spent the better part of 2020 and 2021 in my own private factory, making masks for people near and far, and had developed a love for textiles and their practical uses. We had made the switch from paper to cloth napkins/kitchen towels about a decade ago, and had never looked back, so I decided I would stop buying wrapping paper then and there. I shopped around for furoshiki, and saw that most were very blank canvases, to be used for any occasion, which makes sense; however, I had a vision for themed furoshiki for our family's celebration of Christmas/Winter Solstice, and loved the idea of coordinating prints under our tree. That's why wrapping paper held such appeal to me for so long, the aesthetic of matching colors and shiny, glittery parcels promising treasures inside. So I began curating fabrics that our family would love, and then couldn't help myself, I started curating fabrics that anyone would love! And the idea of selling fabric gift wrap was born. 

I experimented with sizes, materials and finishes, and have come up with an economical way to collect pieces for your family's traditions, based on your own holiday celebrations, color schemes, hobbies, loves, etc.  Coordinating fabric gift bags coming soon!

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